Located in the historic Galleria Di Maio
2525 Main Street, Ste. 101 Santa Monica CA 90405
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday: 11-5
(310) 392-8853 sinfo@berryleeshoes.com





Margrit loved her store. She loved being here. She came every day, running the shop like a surfer rides her wave. She ran the shop for about 25 years until her tragic illness hit. She continued to work despite the brutal toll it took on her until she couldn't do it any more.

Her last day here was on her birthday. She had cake and a dear friend, a professional singer-songwriter, came to give her a private concert.

She passed six days later.

Margrit knew feet and she knew shoes. She also knew people, and is still deeply missed by many, many people in the community where she loved to be. She is also well-remembered by a legion of shoedogs who she worked with for all those years.

She could remember the names of every one of her customers, and remembered every shoe they bought and what they were wearing when they bought it.

She knew how to fix your foot problems.

She also had an amazing shoulder to cry on, a gigantic heart to share and an inordinate amount of common sense when it came time to advise and help those who depended on her.
And she usually spoke her mind.

There won't be another like her...
